Commercial Arts

This gallery showcases a wide variety of commercial or commissioned projects created by andvanoverberghe.

Wedding Videography

On occasion since 2012, I’ve moonlighted as a wedding videographer for hire. I shot, edited, and created stylized effects for use in video production.

Corporate Videos and

Industry Training Material

- Video and Photography Asset Creation -

For Reperio Health I created several video and photography assets for use in training, marketing, visual aids, mission statement submissions, and internal communications.

Click on the video below to watch a short compilation of material.

Mural Painting

I was hired by Cascade Psychedelic Medicine to design and paint a mural inside one of their treatment rooms. I conceptualized a bright color burst on a field of stars using the Flower of Life pattern to create a lattice barrier.

Click the video below to watch a timelapse of painting process.

Album Cover Artwork

Here are two album cover designs for the local Musical Artist, Slim.

Motion Graphics Animation

An animated logo design for online vintage clothing store

This was created and animated in Adobe After Effects.

Printed Publications

- LAKE Magazine Illustrations -

In 2008 I created several Illustrations for LAKE Magazine, a monthly publication focused on life and culture around the southern coast of Lake Michigan. 

Below are a series of illustrative maps. One tries to embody the spirit of the cities and towns of southwestern Michigan and Northwestern Indiana. The other is a map to the local wineries in the southwestern corner of Michigan.

Several Illustrations were created for seasonal purposes including area skiing guides, holiday features, bird watching, beach going, and various other activities.

- Advertisement Posters -

This image was created for an advertising poster for the stage performance of Meet Me in St. Louis. at The Gallery Theater in McMinnville, OR.

Newspaper Imaging Technician

From 2007 to 2009 I worked as an Imaging Technician for The South Bend Tribune, a 55,000 daily subscription newspaper syndication. Aside from my daily responsibility of digitally color correcting and archiving all photography, I designed the front page of the “Intermission” (Arts and Entertainment) section of the Sunday paper.


Animation Arts